Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Hopes for the New Year

Today, I thought I would share my new year’s resolutions for 2009 in hopes that if I share them with my blogging community, friends and family that somehow I may follow thru and they will not end up as useless thoughts on paper. If you read this blog or know me, you know I am a big procrastinator, the biggest. I never follow thru with resolutions, but this year, I am going to make a valiant effort. I am becoming more mature and with that comes a desire to follow thru on things, it’s time!

Be more patient when it comes to my favorite two year old and with patience comes a better understanding of life as a two year old. I sometimes forget his capabilities and how young he really is.

Develop better eating habits for the family. Cook more tasty meals and get less take-out. Chile's and the Chinese Food restaurant are going to miss me.

Get active. Try to exercise at least four times a week

Get the house organized. I am guilty of organized chaos and letting things pile up on the desk, counters………..any open space!

Write/Read more, watch less TV

Take a photography class – so I can use my camera to its full capabilities

Spruce up my romantic side for HUBS

Get more creative in regards to doing things yourself, rather than just buying stuff.

Do special little things to make life more exciting for the family

Love, Laugh and just be Happy and hopeful for the future.


Maria said...

I think you will do very good with your hopes for 2009! After all it's the year of the Ox :)

Mrs Anne said...

Those are fabulous resolutions... all realistic, attainable, and POSITIVE! :)

I fully support you and take some of them on myself!

Liz Harrell said...

Write/read more. Amen to that.

Good luck with this list, it's a great one.