I have several motives for not blogging for the past month-in-half of which I thought about listing out and explaining each reason, Boring! The post would turn into a long detailed monologue of me explaining my laziness or inability to do more than one creative project at a time, which most of you already know me and can appreciate my flawed character, so I will spare you the details. YIPPI!

Landon got to spend time with his "Cuzzins" This is Emma Bear (my sisters spawn), isn't she getting big? She will be two next month. Landon and Emma were inseparable for the week. These two little rascals did everything together; before this picture was taken they were caught red handed jumping on GiGi's bed and swinging from a fish mobile - Zealous Children!

Those are Landon's adorable cousin's: Ava and Ray. Ava is seven and loves Hannah Montana! She is a gem and since I don't have a daughter she sometimes plays victim to my desire to purchase GIRL CLOTHES!!! She's a good sport. Ray is a couple months younger than Landon and is sooooo cute! I really want to steal this child from his parents and claim him as my own (I'd actually steal my nieces too!). He's so adorable and he WINKS, which makes me swoon and clutch my heart with both hands in admiration. His winks really should be illegal because if he keeps that up, the little girls of his town will be lined up at his door.
All in all it was a perfect trip to Cali! Even the drive was great and I discovered that Nevada in all it's ugly glory along interstate eighty does have a cute little, fresh town - Winnemucca!
Stay tune for more posts about our trip!
Title inspired by Miss Taylor Swift - "Hey Stephen"
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