Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gardening 101: Organic Fertilizer

In an effort to become one with my "obnoxious, too large to do anything with yard," I have been educating myself on gardening and organic yard "stuff" (i.e. fertilizers, weed killer etc). I have been learning many things and if it ever decides to STOP snowing, I just might be successful in getting my yard looking good!

This week I learned that Alfalfa Meal is a great fertilizer for your lawn and roses. The nutrients in alfalfa meal contain small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, which is great for making lawns really healthy and green and rose bushes beautiful (you can also use it on other flowers/plants). I fact checked this with one of my GREEN THUMB family members who happens to be visiting at the moment and she said this was true, although she wasn't aware you could put it on your grass!

According to my readings, the stuff is organic (from the earth) and so it will not harm your pets, children or the soil, it works fast, and in two months you will have a GREEN lawn that your dog can happily poo on and a large luscious space for your child to run free upon.

You can find Alfalfa Meal at your local feed store. Home Depot and Lowes do not carry this product.
Happy Gardening!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, I've been wanting to put some new stuff on my lawn.