Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"I Watched His Wildest Dream Come True"

Mornings in our house are far from cheery. There is no Momma figure happily dancing, while singing some "Get Up" heartfelt song to the sleeping children - No way! We are quiet with hints of morning grouchy. We are civilized (most days) with one another, but we usually are far too focused on the task at hand - getting ready and out of the house on time. A grueling task that has increasingly become difficult with a certain child who is NOT A MORNING person.

It takes a good 30 minutes to wake up Landon. He hisses us away, while crawling deeper into the covers. He pleads for "2 more minutes" and then grabs bed rails and blankets when we pull him out of bed - It's a thrilling adventure.

The other morning he woke up on his own and as we greeted him with surprised, "good morning" faces, he told us....................

"I feel like Poop, today!" as he sulked far into the couch and pulled his blanket up over his head.


Danny and I couldn't help but laugh at the wacky comment, crazy kid. What three year old comes up with this type of stuff?

MINE, only mine.

Post Title Inspired by Paramore - "Misery Business" (Landon's current fav song)


Heather said...

Sounds like something his momma would say, don't you think......

What a cutie, I would be rolling with laughter.

Michelle said...

I know.......right!