"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them"~Virgin Suicides
Have you seen the movie, Virgin Suicides?
It's a goody and up until a couple weeks ago, I had never seen it. I know right? Loser!! You might ponder why? Happily, I was a wee-bit preoccupied with my newly single-lady status - way back in 2000! Whew-wee!
Anyhow...........back to the movie, this little gem of Sofia Coppola's is GOOD. Go forth and see for yourself! I beg...........no I plead. You will not be disappointed.
My favorite, love it, part in the movie is when they creatively introduce the dreamy hunk, the studly football star: Trip Fontane to the song Magic Man by Heart. Oooh-mi-goodness! I love that part.
That simple-little segment, TOTALLY, ignites the teenage girl within and I slowly drift back in time to my first Magic Man crush. You know the one, the crush, that brought a crimson color to your cheeks at the mere mention of his name - You know! The one that possessed a euphoric bubble around himself, which caused you to turn and run the opposite direction should your paths cross in the hall - That one! The "stone fox" that just happened to take notice of you while you heaved for air and sweat like a hoss running in P.E.
Girls, that is him! The High School Magic Man. Go ahead, take a moment to swoon over HIM! No one is judging - swoon away ladies!
So as you think back to your Magic Man, what song does he stroll down the halls too? Mine, well...........if my memory serves me correctly, I do believe it was Unbelievable by EMF (giggling like a school girl and HUBS is considering hospitalization), but now it's Magic Man! I heart this song and every time I play it HUBS gives me that look, that "NOT AGAIN" look - Hahhahha!

Old Timer - Cute Pic of me and my Magic Man. Notice the long luscious locks!
Post Inspired by "Magic Man" by Heart
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