Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Journey Into the Woods

This past weekend we ventured deep into the forest in search of the perfect
Christmas tree. Every year we join The Green Family and other close friends to get our tree. It's always a great time full of smiles, lots of pine scented trees and FOOD! Mr. Green always makes way too much good food, which is so hard to resist. Love the food.

This was the first year Landon ventured out on his own. He ran around the forest like a wild animal. Due to the warm days prior to getting our trees, the snow was minimal, which is really good because there have been years when the snow is DEEP, almost too deep to for finding the perfect tree.

Landon was trying to hid behind the tree, little does he know I can see him.

Our friends Chris and Angie with their tree. Notice the hardware in Chris hand, yikes!! Chris is an avid Outdoors man, he was showing Landon all the Elk tracks we came across! I on the other hand, pointed out all the animal scat we came across! Gross.

Bet you didn't know HUBS likes to cheeze it up.

Before you, sits one of the trees that caught my eye. I will now confess that I LOVE Charlie Brown trees, LOVE them. The less branches, the better. Growing up we always had full big trees, but not here, I love trees with big open spaces.

Shane and Amie found the perfect tree for their first Christmas as HUBS and Wifey! Trees in the forest are never perfect, which makes them all the more special.

After hiking all over the forest, we found the perfect tree. Landon and HUBS cut it down and HUBS carried it back to the car. It's a great tree, fairly full with only one gaping section of missing branches which can easily be disguised up against the wall.

Our little Charlie Brown Tree.


Heather said...

What a great tree! LOVE it!

Liz Harrell said...

I think it's a perfect tree! I bet is smells fabulous.

Maria said...

What a fun day! Love your tree!