With that said............
For sometime now I have been wanting to start the Twilight series. I read many great things about the books. I read about Stephanie Meyer, how the books came to be, about each book and I was totally intrigued.
Due to our busy holiday schedule I waited to start the books, but when I returned from vacation I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my sister had started to read Twilight (she too was intrigued). She had borrowed the book from a friend and read it in record time (a week, which is very fast for her). Unfortunately, she had to return the book so my infatuation would have wait.
Friday, when I got home from work and picking up Landon. My sister surprised me with the book! Obsessed and addicted, she bought the first and second book. She is a GREAT sister, I tell ya!
I held off as long as I could from plopping myself down on the couch with the book, but I finally did and there I stayed for most of the night, only taking one slight break to eat dinner with the family. It was brilliant, captivating, riveting, but most of all addicting. I read well into the wee-hours of the morning, my eyes stinking with sleepless pain. I couldn't put it down. I finally dozed off sometime around 3:30 AM, but I slept restless and thought not of sleep, only of Edward and Bella. I wanted the book, I needed the book.
Hubs tended to Landon Saturday morning as I "pretended" to sleep, but sleep I did not. I sunk dreamily into the bed, encased in my pillows and peacefully read a couple chapters. After a couple hours, Landon decided to "Wake up Momma." Much to their surprise I was reading.
I managed to put the book down for a couple hours to clean and tend to my family obligations, but as soon as nap time came around, there I was on the couch, book in had, delightfully lost in the romance of Edward and Bella. I remained on that couch until I finished the book, which was early evening.
Talk about record time! I won't even go into the moot details of the book and how I loved every word, every page...........................all I think about is starting the next book. I am obsessed, literally. HUBS did make me promise that I read the next book more leisurely and not so psychotic. I promised!
Sunday night, my sister and I went to see the movie. It was good, not nearly as good as the book but I liked it and will go see others.
I am well on my way to fulfilling a New Years resolution of reading more............Ooh am I.
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