"Now I know what I'm leaving behind"

And because I love all-things Twilight.............
I like this picture. It's adorable and although RPatz has less than attractive eye-wear on, it's still cute - I like it. I am not hip on WHO took these photos, but I like them. I like how the cast of characters are meticulously placed in the photo, each of them simply portraying their Twi-characters and themselves. Kullen is very photogenic! I don't think I have seen a photo that he didn't look - lucious- oops - I mean nice in.
Luv It!

I started sending her random photos of Kellen, which I found to be utterly HILARIOUS. Her, not so much, she squacked "innappropriate" (hello - does she know me?) and blocked any emails containting any type of Kellen Lutz topics, MEAN - I KNOW!
So to spite her; cuz I am that person and to get revenge on her, I posted the above picture all over her office on a day she was on travel............hehehhehe........DEVIOUS!

This is another set of favorite twi-photos, I love - Vanity Fair - I believe.
I really like the lighting of these photos, the texture, the bleak colors worn, (the adorable cast) and the location.
Who would have known an open dry field could be a GREAT backdrop for these photos! Again, just like in the top photo the cast is strategically placed to appear as if they are just having a fun day of frolicking around in an open field.
Lyrical inspiration by Meese - "Next In Line"
1 comment:
I have to admit Michelle, we just finally saw Twilight for the first time. It was a great movie. I know.....you are probably like what took you so long.
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